Support Children in Tallahatchie County
The future of our entire Tallahatchie County area — families, workforce, education, and community health — begins with all of our children.
Individuals or corporations who contribute to the local matching fund of an approved early learning collaborative, such as TELA, may be eligible to receive a state tax credit for the donated amount, up to $1 million.
Donate to the Tallahatchie County Pre-K Collaboratives by December 31st to qualify for a 1-to-1 state tax credit.
Watch a Video about the Pre-K Tax Credit
To make a donation via check, make the check payable to Tallahatchie Early Learning Alliance ELC, and mail to:
Tallahatchie Early Learning Alliance
PO Box 339
Charleston, MS 38921
For more information about TELA and the Pre-K Tax credit, contact Cheryl Swoopes at [email protected]